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Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Peugeot


Engine capacity:2000

Hi I bought Ceramizer for the engine and for the gearbox I used in the PEUGEOT 307 2.0 HDI with a mileage of 175000 thousand / km after applying the preparations to the engine and the box I drove the car as many kilometers as it says in the manual and I will honestly say that the engine work is quieter improved dynamics and performance, and in the transmission it muted the gears better enter. I noticed that Ceramizer does not have any side effects I can confidently recommend the preparations as I learned from my brother who also used Ceramizers.
Piotr Gorzka
Opinion sent on 10/6/2013

Peugeot 106 1.1

Car : Peugeot 106,
Capacity : 1.1 unleaded petrol,
Mileage 180.000,
Agent used : Ceramizer for engine , Dose : 2
The engine did the first 300 km at a standstill with a conversion rate of 1 hour = 100 km. Already after the first hour, the rotation clearly stabilized and drastically calmed down. I could not imagine how this engine can work evenly exemplary. After the next hour, the engine gained clarity but I noticed that it lets go of smoke systematically every 15 minutes or so, maybe I expressed myself wrongly it was not smoke but smog :). I decided to test the smog content for smell. It turned out that it was not oil but something like a burnt rag. I suspected that some part of the ceramizer is burning, which was confirmed later. Practically the state noticeable to the eye that occurred after the first 2 hours persists to this day (over 10,000 driven). When I finished “running in” after three hours of slow revolutions, I left the car to check the effects of the ceramizer while driving. The first thing I noticed was the rapid reaction of the engine to even touching the gas pedal, here I will mention that the car has super thrust and sporty dynamics without any tuning has a vpower shell on the fuel (I tested after driving 2000 km from pouring ceramizer, at the start of the lights there was no car that could match my 🙂 and I saw the faces of the 🙂 who squeezed their razors and were left behind, joy as hell as such as putting away decent cars), after driving two kilometers I released such smog that in the rear-view mirror it looked like an unearthly fog but fortunately it was the last time I saw this slightly twisting side effect. Looking at the above, I can say with certainty that the rub at a standstill does not serve cars that have computer fuel mixture control, it is much better to just drive. However, despite such strange special effects, the car performs sensationally. To confirm the effectiveness of the preparation, I can add that my “struggles” were observed by a group of 5 drivers from work, laughing at the fact that this is a linden tree. However, when their observations confirmed the effectiveness, they themselves bought a ceramizer for their cars and these are: VW Polo (gas), Alfa Romeo I do not remember the exact model (gas), Honda Civic (gas), Opel Astra (gas), Citroen AX (gasoline). Everyone rated the ceramizer’s performance at the same level as me.
I would like to add that I am almost unearthly satisfied with combustion. Before using ceramizer it was at the level of 5 – 5.5 l route 6-6.5 l city and after using ceramizer 4-4.3 l route 5-5.4 l city (I give in ranges because combustion depends on my vision in pressing the gas pedal).
Wieslaw Krolikowski

Peugeot 106 1.1 (1996 year)

I found out about Ceramizer by accident while browsing the pages on Allegro. at first I didn’t believe it a bit. I started to rummage a little on the Internet, ceramizer tests slightly surprised me reading about them I decided to take a chance. I bought the whole set of engine / box / fuel I was looking forward to the package. after receiving immediately “jumped” try. shock after 15 minutes of idling slightly improvement, then I did another 200-300 km no revelation as if a different engine, it goes quieter and more even, ceramizer to the fuel poured when refueling another shock the range of the car on a full tank has significantly extended, I can not support myself with professional research but I did a small test. a friend who does not know about the use of ceramizer so seemingly accidentally drove, before and after use. after he asked himself if I did something with the engine, the more that this small beast has 60kucyków for about 815kg of weight of the car so sometimes it can squeeze into the seat.
Maciej Kajstura
Date of review: 27.03.2010

Peugeot 205 GTi 1.9 (1987 year)

Unfortunately, I do not have documentation confirming the increase in the technical parameters of my cars. But in the fitness tests of the Peugeot 205 GTi 1.9 gasoline ’87 mileage of about 300,000 km to which I used ceramizer, had a much better start, better performance (measured by a stopwatch acceleration from 9.9 s to 100 km fell to 8.6 s which is a sensational result). The engine has quieted down a lot. Combustion dropped by up to 1 l./100 km. The same thing happened in the second car, to which I applied ceramizer – Fiat Tipo 2.0 GT ’92 2.0 gasoline gas mileage 205 000 km. The car clearly got better into the revs, the engine temperature and combustion decreased. It has been easier to start a cold engine, especially in winter. The engine has been silenced. Now I have a Daewoo Nexia 1.5 GLE from ’97, a mileage of 135,000 km and I also carry with the intention of reusing ceramizer.
Daniel Rozdzialik

Peugeot 205 (1990)

Make and model of vehicle: Peugeot 205 automat
Engine size:1.9 (XU9J1)

The pressure has increased significantly, (on one cylinder from 8 to 10.5) the large percentage differences between the cylinders have significantly decreased, the oil consumption has decreased slightly, the engine is quieter, it is clearly brisker.
I did not count on miracles, (unfortunately the tapping acetabulum still knocks, although quieter) but despite this, I am very pleased with the results. For the second car soon I will also give Ceramizer. There will be more room to show off for this specific, (diesel with a mileage of over 400 tys.km) about the effects of course will inform. For lack of time, unfortunately, I did not take pictures and I do not have charts either.

I recommended Ceramizer to a dozen or so friends, taking on the cost of the purchase if they found no visible positive symptoms of its action. A few of them used and… then they brought a big brewery and bananas on their faces…;) I deal with engines in my free time and where indicated I recommend using Ceramizer. I checked in other engines the effects of the operation and I see only the pluses. Thanks for Ceramizer.
Bogdan Kobielski
Opinion sent on 09.08.2009.

Peugeot 206 SW

Engine size:1,6l
Tyres: 195/50/16

I approached CERAMIZERS quite skeptically and with a certain amount of distrust, despite the fact that I heard some positive opinions from direct users. After replacing the car with a younger model, it is Peugeot 206SW (station wagon) 1.6l I noticed disturbing noise in the gearbox and resistance when changing gears. I decided to apply Ceramizer to the box after checking the price I decided to buy a set of Ceramizer engine + box + fuel (so prophylactically) Specifics I used in accordance with the instructions for mileage 162tys. I have already driven 3000km and my odometer is 165thousand. I use the car week after week repeating cyclically the same routes with fixed mileage. Daily approx. 70km of which 25 km is a city 45km route. So I think my opinion is authoritative. What I noticed after use was: – more equal work with a cold engine
– earlier audible “chirping” of valves in free gear has died down
– much easier selection of gears in the box (especially reverse)
– quieter transmission operation
– ATTENTION – what surprised me the most and what I honestly did not count on was a decrease in average fuel consumption from 7.0 l / 100km to 6.4 l / 100km or as much as 0.6l
I did not notice any undesirable effects. Personally, I am satisfied and recommend it to everyone who hesitates.
Wojciech Butrym
Opinion sent on 2013-09-17

Peugeot 306 Diesel

I used ceramizer for the first time in the Peugeot 306 Diesel. Of course, I had resistance – an addition like any other. I applied out of curiosity.
Benefits found:
– easier start-up – fired on touch, which he had not done before
– better dynamics
– I can not say the decrease in oil consumption, because I did not pay much attention to it before applying
and most importantly:
– I finally had good brakes! The waku pump is lubricated with oil from the engine and after driving 3000 km I noticed a significant and satisfactory improvement in the !!!
Opinion sent on 28.01.2008

Peugeot 306 used Tractor

Opinion Ceramizer Peugeot 306

Opinion Ceramizer Peugeot 306

Opinion Ceramizer Peugeot 306

Mariusz Dziubecki
Opinion of 11.01.2013

Peugeot 306 hdi
Engine size:1998
Mileage:210 thousand km

A significant improvement after applying Ceramizer to the gearbox with a worn synchronizer. I think one more would be useful. I recommend Ryszard Turek
Opinion sent on 9/13/2013

Peugeot 307 used Tractor

Engine size:1600

After applying two preparations to the box in the car there was silence, the whistling in the box died down after driving 1000km, now the car has a mileage of 158000 there is nothing. I heartily recommend, it really works!!!
Damian Bialas
Opinion sent on 8/19/2013

Peugeot 307 SW

Year of Build: 2002
Engine size: 1.6 16V
Mileage: 220 000

I had problems with the chirping valve pushers, then with the course of the chirping even turned into a clatter like in a diesel. The cost of replacing the pushers for my model is terrifying. I didn’t believe in any magical means for engines. What I heard earlier about a doctor scared me, until I accidentally saw this page.
I bought Ceramizer for the engine in a nearby store, poured, followed the instructions completely and shock! Already after 300km the clattering of the valves returned to chirping, after 1500km the chirping occurred only on the cold engine. After 3000km, the chirping completely stopped.

I was very surprised that I had not heard before about such a remedy that really works as the manufacturer says.
I did not take compression measurements, but I can say that:
-Silenced valves
-Lowered the combustion from 7.7L to 7.1L (I drive quite dynamically, the combustion of 7.7L is given even by the manufacturer and yet managed to lower them)
-Oil consumption per 15,000km dropped from 1L to 0.4L (Ceramizer was poured at 220,000 mileage, now it is 235,000)
-The car “pulls” better uphill
br/> I went to the store where I bought it to talk to the seller about the effectiveness of this remedy. The Lord stated that this measure is just coming down to them, even workshops use it, he also used it in his car. Just to congratulate such a measure.
Tomasz Sobczuk
Opinion sent on 2013-08-06

Peugeot 309 (1988)

I used ceramizers in two cars – Audi 100 2TD diesel from 1989 with a mileage of about 220000 km at least that much has on the odometer, the second gasoline with LPG carburetor Peugeot 309 from 1988 with a mileage of 198000 km. In both vehicles there was a significant reduction in engine operation, the smoothness and flexibility of engine operation improved, and even oil consumption decreased, fuel consumption also slightly improved, i.e. there was a slight reduction in the consumption of both diesel and LPG, although in the case of LPG the consumption decreased to a greater extent because before the use of Ceramizera it consumed an average of about 8.5-9.5 LPG and after it fell to 7.5-8 liters !!!! The behavior of the cars after adding your preparation: to a large extent, after driving about 500 km, they worked much quieter and acceleration improved. I did not add any other means after using Ceramizer. As for the gearbox (I used ceramizers in the Peugeot 309 because there were difficulties in throwing 3 gears and the gearbox sometimes worked as if it was overloaded, despite the fact that it was flooded with fresh oil) – after flooding the preparation and following the recommendations – the gears began to enter gently after driving about 350 km. I can say that I am more than satisfied with the purchase and functionality of your funds. Although I did not believe that anything would help, they are really effective !!! – Conclusion – Ceramizer helped with the box and engines !! However, it is difficult for me to assess the fuel agent, because it could have had an effect together with the ceramizer that was added to the oil in the engine and therefore I can not comment on it. Unfortunately, I do not have scans from the compression pressure measurement (I did not have access to the instruments) I made the observation for the first time in May 2005 on an Audi 100 car, and on a Peugeot in February 2006.
Sincerely, Andrzej Wiśniewski

Peugeot 309 1.9 Diesel (1992 year)

I applied ceramizer to the Peugeot 1.9 D. engine after a mileage of 172,000 km. along with the addition to oil, the engine I unfortunately have deregulated, burned about 7l / 100.Mimo that I did nothing with it I did not burn fell approx. 0.8 l. I could start the V gear from 50 km / h I’m surprised and shocked for now – I’ll see what happens next. I have driven about 800km so far the engine is working as the col says. Silky. greetings W.B.
Opinion sent on 07.06.2008

Peugeot 405 1.8 (1994 year)

My adventure with ceramizers began about a year ago. I bought a Peugeot 405 with a 1.8l.mileage on the odometer was about 365 000km. A little much,but the price was attractive,so I took a chance. As it turned out later after changing the oil, the engine began to knock:(,None of the mechanics was able to help me, almost everything was replaced, from the shells to the timing shaft. Oil is just taking, 3l per 1000km. I measured the compression pressure, well it was not so bad because it was respectively 11.3 11.5 12.0 11.8.

Compression pressure Peugeot 405 1.8, large oil intake
I was looking on the Internet what you can do to change it??? I found a ceramizer and applied at risk. I drove about 2000km, the oil surprisingly settled at 250ml per 1000km, it was just sensational, the car became more snappy and better ignited, again I measured the compression pressure at the same mechanic on the same device, it was respectively 12.1 11.9 12.2 12.0, it was not bad but the engine knocked terribly especially on the cold. The mechanic advised me to remove the heads and see what was happening???
Compression pressure Peugeot 405 1.8
Well, it turned out that the first sleeve was so strongly made that the piston knocked, after measuring the diameter it was 0.3 millimeters is already rubble, but that I could not afford the renovation, we assembled it as it was. I thought nothing but need to collect on the bushings. But the value of the car was small, so I was wondering what to do??? He got the next dose of ceramizer, after driving the next 2000km, I made a measurement,12.5 13.0 13.0 13.0 and to my surprise the knocks were smaller.
Compression pressure Peugeot 405 1.8, after ceramization process

I got the bushings and tormented the mechanic to replace it. After removing the head it turned out that there is no making, hmmmm it was amazing, The measurement with a diameter showed the level of about 0.04 of the workmanship, ceramizer filled almost the entire manufacture of the sleeve which was suitable only for replacement, Thank you inventors, for such a wonderful remedy. Today I advise everyone and my mechanic who laughed at ceramizera, believed, because all I did was watch. I sent the bushings to Warsaw, in accordance with the request, Let it become a material for further research and better use of the product properties. Thank you and Regards
Zbigniew Morgowski, Żary
Opinion sent on 09.06.2008

Peugeot 405 1.6

Engine capacity:1.6i petrol

Opinion: I bought a car in a good external condition, this engine had on the odometer 265 000, Peugeot 405 gasoline, well had one serious wade, stood about 3l under the carport. You can already imagine what happened to the engine, which was not fired about 3l. The price was very attractive so I took a chance, because I already knew the possibilities of ceramizerów:) The engine managed to start, the oil was uddered, but its work left much to be desired, it worked quietly, but very weak next oil change after 1000km, spr pressure measurement. (clock blood pressure monitor) was like this:
1) 5,3
2) 4,4
3) 6,0
4) 7,1

I do not have printouts, because the measurement was made on a clock gauge. After another 1000km the next oil change, this is the second, semisynthetic oil, there was so much sediment in the engine that the manual twisting of the shaft bordered on a miracle:( After 3000km, the engine started a bit, but the power did not arrive. Oil it took about 2l per 1000km, in the exhaust pipe it could be palpated with your finger, just scrap engine:( The oil was poured again and this time I applied it a dose of ceramizer. I thought – now ceramizer will show what it can do, I have already written, I knew its capabilities. I did not have to wait long for the effects, after about 500km the increase in power and better response to the gas pedal began. Well, since it starts to work in this state of the engine, got 2 dose, I still had to add oil so there was no question of driving 1500km without refills and diluting ceramizer another 1000km. Well, and this time the ceramizer wonderfully renewed the engine. Measured pressure:
1) 11.0
2) 11.5
3) 11.8
4) 11.4

In the repair book they give a nominal pressure of 11.5 hmmmmm
I thought if the new engine????:)
I call it now New peuget 405:) I like it very much, because the technical condition of the exterior is very good, and now the engine has equaled it. Oil now pour about 0.5l per 1000km, the instruction gives up to 0.5l or I fit into the norm.
This is a really sensational measure, I really like how without dismantling you can make almost a new engine out of scrap metal and maybe even better as a new one because it is coated with a ceramic coating, which factory engines do not have. hmmmmm It was my experience that proved what ceramizer is, it’s a great preparation, not only that good is a revelation. I greet all those who worked on its invention, because their work was not in vain. Now I recommend ceramizer to everyone, with a clear conscience, although I will say that people still joke about it and do not know what they are losing.
With thanks and all due respect
Zbigniew M.
Opinion sent on 16.04.2009.

Peugeot 405 1.9 Diesel

The evaluation of the use of ceramizer is positive. I noticed quieter engine operation, easier start in winter, reduction of fuel consumption by about 0.3 l.
Observation period: 8300 km travelled.
Vehicle: Peugeot 405 GLD with 1.9 diesel engine
Jan Batarowski

Peugeot 405 1.8 TD (1991)

At the moment, after adding ceramizer to the engine and fuel, I drove about 4000km. During operation, I noticed changes to the plus, i.e. I notice a much quieter operation of the engine, the car has become more dynamic, the oil level is maintained, at the first start in the morning there is only a slight streak of smoke and then smoke does not occur at all. Fuel consumption is now at a decent level of about 5l/100km. I believe that by adding ceramizer I made the right decision. Ryszard Wach
Opinion sent on 16.11.2008.
  Peugeot 405 1.8 TD, engine, gearbox

Peugeot 406 2.0 TDI (1999)

Peugeot 406 2.0 TDI, vintage 1999, driven 190 tys.km. I read the reviews flooded everywhere according to the instructions, the effect: the car seems more brisk (it is chipped, etc.) but what convinces me the most, as promised the pressures measured increased in the attached printout of pressures from January 2006 29 /28/ 29/ 28, now after 1500 km 30 / 30 / 31 / 29 from the meter without the possibility of printing but in a reliable workshop for me; The second promise of lower combustion is also fulfilled earlier 7-8 liters per 100 now 6.1 to 6.9 per 100. As for the entry of gears, I will not say anything, it is certainly quieter.
Compression pressure Peugeot 406 2.0 tdi

Peugeot 605 3.0 (1994)

in 2006 I bought a set: 2 dos for the box, 1 dose for the engine, 1 dose for gasoline. I wrote 2 reviews for myself at the time. Today I include them below:

Technical condition of the gearbox and differential before using Ceramizer:
In general, the differential box worked noisily. Although all the gears entered without clashes and did not fall out, but it was hard to enter: one, two. Three a little better, four without problems but the box was “audible” from the well-silenced cabin of the 605. The quietest team worked on the run (five).
In the garage, the raised wheels showed a significant angle of clearing the slack. After starting the engine and turning on the gears, you could also feel the uneven resistance of the differential (jerks) and noise. When driving, when starting from a place or changing especially lower gears, the clutch had to be carefully operated, because you could hear the “clap” of the looseness disappearing (similarly when the gas was released abruptly, when braking the engine).

Ceramizer application conditions: The gearbox and differential were flooded with synthetics with the addition of molybdenum. On October 29, 2006, after driving, this mixture was poured, and the box and moss. differential were rinsed with Hipol oil (drive wheels raised, the engine started and “turning” the gearbox with gear changes, after about 10 min. oil was poured). It was decided to use Esso BV 75W 80 mineral oil, which flooded the box (2 liters). After warming up the ride, 2 doses of Ceramizer were applied to the integrated gearbox-differential system and left for a 10-kilometer ride in accordance with the instructions, not forgetting about several hundred meters of reverse driving.

Read mileage: 261.169 km
First impressions:
Already after the first kilometers there was an impression that the box and differential worked quieter, while despite the recommended calm driving, the oil temperature stabilized at 100 C, although previously even in hot weather it did not exceed 90 C. Later this symptom disappeared, the temperature returned to 90 C.

After the first 100 km: the reverse enters much better.
Synchronizers of all gears behave noticeably more correctly, which can be felt especially with reductions. The box works quieter; also quieter working differential, which was in a much worse condition than the box.

230 kilometer: already definitely feel the improvement, and the oil temperature in the box dropped approx. 40C (warms up to 85-860C.). Everything goes quieter, gentler and softer.

Already 1092 km travelled with Ceramizer (odometer: 262.261 km): A clear improvement in the work of the box and differential is still noticeable. I’m starting to get used to the fact that there are no problems, so I forget about intergases and other tricks that before Ceramizer had to be used so that every run always entered…. I turn on the gear as a driving student and… enters without problems! Since there is improvement all the time, I am considering adding one more dose of Ceramizer… after all, these are large devices (3.0 l motor).

After approx. 3000 km from ceramizer dosing: everything ok, the box works like new, the differential is much quieter. In view of such good results, I am now considering the use of pads in the differential to reduce the slack and re-dosing Ceramizer. I’m just not sure whether in such cases (deletion of slack, change of planes cooperating in the mesh) Ceramizer should be added immediately or after the initial arrival? However, currently I am sure that Ceramizer is a sensational means, nothing is risked with it and with banal financial outlays you can fix the team and forget about the troubles!

Technical condition of the engine before using Ceramizer:
The overall condition of the engine seemed good despite the fact that it was 1994 year of production. The large capacity and the “V” layout gave a natural working culture despite the considerable mileage. A distinctive feature of this engine was that it “did not take” oil at all, and the porcelain spark plugs were ready for exhibition immediately after they were unscrewed, all of them!.
The oil could be poured once a year and commuted without replenishment, with the correct condition.
The Bendix-Fenix 2B injection and ignition system was doing great and the engine “burned from touch”. However, the mileage had to cause significant wear, hence the decision to use Ceramizer, if it passes the exam in the chest …
From the autumn of 1999 (since the purchase of the car) the engine was flooded with mineral oil. In 2005, an additive of molybdenum disulfide was added to the oil, and in April/May 2006 the engine was flooded for a few months with mineral Lotus to rinse it and prepare it for Ceramizer dosing. Despite the generally good condition, it was possible to notice some non-rhythmicity in the idle operation (excluded bad operation of the idle throttle controlled by a computer using a stepper motor, ignition installation and all other factors affecting the idle: intake, exhaust, power supply system, etc.).

Engine test before Ceramizer application:
A thorough listening of the engine was made. No disturbing noises were noticed from any auscultation zones. The only objectionable sound was the louder work of loosened timing chains. Maybe it will be possible to tighten them with tensioners, as long as there is a reserve left on eccentricities …
The engine was tight except for two or three places at the head cover No. 1 and the oil sump, where harmless stains were visible. No knocks or ringing. On 29 October 2006, the compression pressure test was carried out under the following conditions:

1.Engine solidly heated, up to temp. coolant 90 C,
2.Battery fully charged,
3.Throttle fully open,
4.All candles unscrewed (clean, white porcelain and clean electrodes), 5.The compression pressure reading of all 6 cylinders was closed in 4 minutes (the measurement was made with an efficient blood pressure monitor with a clock reader without recording). The following values were recorded:
Cyl. 1 : 14.00 bar
Cyl. 2 : 13,70 bar
Cyl. 3 : 13,50 bar
Cyl. 4 : 14,20 bar
Cyl. 5 : 13,15 bar
Cyl. 6 : 13,50 bar

Then an oil test was made for cylinder 5, it showed a pressure of 18 bar! I decided that all cylinders and rings were similarly worn out and that I would opt for Ceramizer.
On November 10, 2006, with an odometer of 261,399 km, mineral oil with a 6-month mileage was removed from the hot engine. The oil filter was replaced, the engine was flooded with Mobil M mineral oil, warmed up to normal operating temperature, 1 dose of Ceramizer was applied and left for approx. 20 min. at idle. At the end of the idling run, the second gear of the cooling fans turned on, which has not happened so far (the first gear was enough, it maintained a stable temperature of 90C even in hot weather, maybe a coincidence?). Other changes were not noticed. The car will now be for approx. 250 km operated at low revs, which with the V6 3000cc engine is not a difficult task.

It seems that a single dose of Ceramizer for a 3000cc engine is too small… But to the facts: the car drove from the Ceramizer application approx. 500 km and is both “livelier” and more economical. Under the same conditions as before, a compression ratio test was performed (same instrument, temperature, test method, etc…).
Results? Here they are, in parentheses the previous values:

1 cyl. 13.90 bar (14.00)
2 cyl. 13.50 bar (13.70)
3 cyl. 13.50 gar (13.50)
4 cyl. 13.50 bar (14.20) , decrease 4.9%
5 cyl. 13.70 bar (13.15) , growth 4.0%
6 cyl. 14.20 bar (13.50) , growth 5.18%

in general: pressure equalization.

I must admit that I expected an increase in the compression ratio in all cylinders. Meanwhile, the average compression ratio before the application of Ceramizer was 13.675 bar, and after application and driving 1500 km : 13.717 bar. I think that here apparently “guilty” too small dose ceramizer (one for 3 l capacity!). What is astonishing, however, are the effects in cylinders 4 and 6. In one there was a decrease, in the other there was an increase in pressure. Along with the rest of the measurements, there was a clear alignment of the compression ratio and this agrees with the noticeable improvement in engine equivalence at idle. The engine will continue to be operated with oil with Ceramizer applied and may change its parameters. It should be remembered that for over a year it was exploited with oil with the addition of molybdenum disulfide and may show “reluctance” to absorb Ceramizer molecules.
Tomasz Kopczynski
Opinion sent on 05.10.2008.

Peugeot 607 used Tractor

Year of Build: 2005
Engine capacity: 2.7 v6 HDI 204 hp
Mileage: 201000 km

The problem concerned the high oil consumption by the engine, as well as by one of the turbochargers that “spat” oil into the intake system at the same time the connecting rod shells were audible (moments after firing you could hear the shuffling and rubbing of the shaft against the shells) after about 10 seconds the sound stopped. Symptoms are typical of the wear of this engine (the owner was preparing to replace the entire engine). Two Ceramizers were used for the engine, one of which was dedicated to the gearbox. The owner appeared in the workshop after a previous telephone conversation, in which I recommended to try to use Ceramizer despite the high wear of the engine. The first symptoms were noticed by the owner after driving about 200 km from the application after firing, there was no sound of friction of the shaft against the shells. After another 150 km, the turbocharger stopped spitting oil into the intake system. The oil level check confirmed that the oil has stopped decreasing (it is not possible to dilute the oil by the fuel during DPF firing due to the fact that the car was driving on the highway).
Any disturbing symptoms ceased after a 500 km run from the application.

Opinion sent on: 4.11.14

Peugeot Boxer 3.0 (2008)

I used ceramizer for the engine in the new Peugeot Boxer. I decided on such a procedure satisfied with the previous use of ceramizer in Opel Monterey, which I drove to a mileage of 300 thousand. Miles. Ceramizer poured at a mileage of about 195 thousand. km because the problems with compression began. After applying ceramizers twice, the problems stopped and I drove another 100,000. Miles.
Returning to Peugeot, since the use of ceramizer I drove 42 thousand. Miles. On the first review, which is at a mileage of 40 thousand. km I did not add oil to the engine. The condition on the scoop remained within half.
Peugeot taking oil, adding oil

Best regards
Krystian Gawron
Opinion sent on 05.08.2009.