Dwusuwy (CM-2T) – Ceramizer do silników dwusuwowych
Engine (CG-4T) - Ceramizer for garden equipment 4-stroke engines
Gearbox (CB-A) - Ceramizer for gearboxes of agricultural vehicles and machines
Steering wheel (CK) - Ceramizer for hydraulic power steering
Motorcycle (CM) - Ceramizer for four-stroke motorcycle engines
Engine (CS-C) - Ceramizer for truck engines
Engine (CSX) - Ceramizer for regeneration of four-stroke engines of sports and extreme vehicles powered by PB, LPG, ON
Engine (CS) - Ceramizer for four-stroke gasoline, diesel, LPG engines
Gearbox (CB) - Ceramizer for manual gearboxes and rear axles
Grease (CMC) - Regenerative Ceramic Grease for Motorcycle Chain
Paliwo (CP) – Ceramizer – Uszlachetniacz do paliwa
Fuel (CP2) - Ceramizer - Fuel conditioner
Motorcycle (CMX) - Ceramizer for regeneration of engines and transmissions of four-stroke sports and extreme motorcycles
Gearbox (CB-C) - Ceramizer for truck gearboxes
Two-stroke (CG-2T) - Ceramizer for two-stroke engines of garden equipment