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Engine oil additives useful in spring

Delicate components will easily be damaged if you do not look under the hood from time to time – especially when the engine takes oil, works loudly, or if fuel consumption is too high. It happens that the lack of a quick diagnosis will lead to the fact that the engine will be needed to be overhauled. However, the cost is so high that it is worth visiting a mechanic in advance, who will confirm whether the car is one hundred percent operational.

oil additives useful in spring

Visiting a mechanic – probing potential problems

The first thing a professional will probably do is to measure the compression pressure. The basic test is designed to detect any irregularities – it checks the degree of wear of pistons, piston rings and cylinder smoothness, but also allows you to assess the technical condition of the upper part of the engine and the condition of the gasket under the head. A professional will certainly suggest what can be remedied by high deviations from the norm.

However, if the compression pressure was checked by you yourself and you managed to note only slight irregularities, it may be enough to use additives for engine oil – Ceramizer in most cases equalizes the compression pressure and regenerates the components responsible for deviations. If emergency help does not work – go to the mechanic.

The engine takes the oil and works loudly

If the engine takes oil and already burns 0.7 L per 1000 km, the measurement of the compression pressure will allow you to determine whether the oil consumption is not the fault of the sealed piston rings. A turbocharger failure or a fault in the valve sealants can also be the reason why the engine is taking oil. How to fix this type of fault? Unfortunately, the only way for the vehicle to become fully operational again is to replace or regenerate damaged components.

When it comes to sound symptoms, each should be taken seriously. Disturbing knocks, crunches and humming can be signs of many different faults – for example, if there is a ringing and metallic sound from the crankshaft area, which is amplified when adding gas, the cause may be worn connecting rod shells or main shells. Ignoring these symptoms can result in a complete blockage of the pistons in the cylinders.

However, before such serious negligence occurs, it is worth reaching for engine oil additives. However, is it worth deciding on such measures? If you read a few reviews about what the Ceramizer engine oil additives have achieved, the answer will certainly be yes. This product copes in advance with the reduction of oil consumption and easily silences the engine. Used regularly, it provides the engine with adequate protection in the form of a ceramic-metal coating after the first 1500 km. It is worth adding it to the engine oil every 70,000 km – after this distance the effect weakens.

How to ensure a long service life of the engine?

Even if you do not observe any disturbing symptoms, do not rest on your laurels. Your car still needs your care – first of all, it is recommended to maintain the maximum oil level in the summer and the minimum in the winter. Therefore, it is worth taking care of it in a short time and replacing or adding the right dose of oil.

Another important activity is to keep the engine clean – mainly the oil copes with this task, but it is worth checking for yourself whether it will not hurt to use a rinse – especially when it is the first such car inspection in a long time. Motor rinses are used especially when you switch, for example, from semi-synthetic to synthetic. Long-term use of the wrong oil contributes to the contamination of the mechanism, therefore, if the car worked for a long time on the wrong oil, it is worth switching to a dedicated option. However, if you do not know what engine oil should be used in your car, check the instructions from the manufacturer or ask a friendly mechanic.

To further strengthen the engine, it is also worth investing in engine oil additives. This agent is fully compatible with four-stroke gasoline, LPG, CNG, BIO, hybrid and diesel engines. Ceramizer engine oil additives reduce oil consumption, silence engine operation, equalize compression pressure – but that’s not all. They also reduce fuel consumption from 3 to even 15 percent and protect rubbing surfaces for 70,000 km – their durability increases by 5 times. After this run, it is enough to apply another dose to enjoy the efficiency of the power unit. Not only do you prolong the functioning of each engine component, but you also save on possible replacement or repairs.

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